Saturday, June 14, 2008

She Has A Pulse!

So by now most of you have passed go!, collected the hundred dollars, and are gearing up for another lap. I'm talking about summer baby! The sad part of all of this is that I'm still sitting here on my couch, watching reruns, and eating my weight in whatever chocolate can be found around the house. I have an addiction, I know.

The good news is that this past week was exhausting. I finished out my behind the wheel, then babysat all day yesterday, and took an ACT today. I say "an" in that last sentence because knowing me, it won't be my last and it certainly wasn't my first. It was my second. (*And if you know anything about me, you know that I am no fan of SAT's and ACT's. In my opinion they are evil.) And after all that, I'm pooped. I still have to work the concessions at a game and I think Sunday is my rest day. Maybe. As it should be.

Then next week, well, that's an entirely different story. So we won't go into that.

Anyways I had these great ideas that were going to shape this post into the best piece of "literature" anyone's ever laid eyes on, but as I said before: I'm tired. So...


Friday, June 6, 2008

My Ode to June.

Not really though. So here's life as we know it:
SCHOOL'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure you know how freaking amazing that is. And if you aren't out yet: well I feel for you, I really do. (*taunting you: hahahahahahahaha) OKay, not really.

So on Tuesday morning, I found myself sitting outside the school, on the steps, waiting for my PU (Parental Unit) to come and pick me up. It was a lovely day, and I found myself feeling a little like a loser. I had friends going to the river, Florida, the pool, hanging out with other friends, and doing other slightly cooler things than I had planned for the rest of the day. I was about to spend the afternoon watching mindless t.v. and letting my brain fall into the mush it deserved to be after working SO hard for finals. Woopie. Aren't I a bundle of fun? Nope. Well, I decided that instead of fixing it by inviting myself somewhere and having loads of fun, I would just complain about it. And complain I did. It was marvelous. And after I was through complaining, I went and watched 7 hours of mind-numbing t.v. That, too, was marvelous.

Now here I am on my fourth day of being out of school and my routine is the same. I'm going insane. The good news is that tomorrow is Saturday and the routine WILL be different then, because both PU's are home, to make me do chores and such (*which by the way, I have had to do everyday as my penance for being in the house all summer). And I'll get to go out and do stuff during the day on that day we call Saturday. It will once again be marvelous. Who said weekends aren't the most amazing invention ever? Now, for some reason this conversation has reminded me of this scene from Finding Nemo.

Anyways, my summer is to get considerably better, I promise. I get to babysit, which is fun. I get to go to the beach, which is also fun. And I'm sure I can find someone to go on a "shopping-spree" (my version is where I spend like $20 on something and then I'm done.) Anwyays, I also have to teach someone how to ride a bike.....I'm sure that story will come out later. And I have to watch like a million movies with one Ally VG.

So my summer will be jam-packed or something to that effect. It's just not right now.

And finally, here's my Ode to June:

Wave goodbye to that school.


Oh and I think this version of that song is pretty funny.

Adios, until later!


Here's my credit: