Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Okay so I haven't been around for a while (don't ask why, because I'm not gonna answer you). But, I'm here now, and yes, it's alright to rejoice. We are gonna talk about Mini-Pigs. First off, they are AMAZING period. Here's one:

I mean how is that not AMAZING? It's soooo cute. Can you say: AWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!?

here's another:

Once again: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the deal on these absolutely ADORABLE pigs. Somewhere in England (I think; I know there were some in Australia or New Zealand) this guy couldn't make his pigs have babies. SO, after countless tries, she had what is pretty much considered a litter of runts. But, they were a big success, now this guy has fame and probably fortune (I mean if you were featured in an American news story, then surely those pigs are selling for Aztec gold. In other words, them pigs are money makers now. Expensive!!) He sold (originally) two of his cuties to some famous guy in England for 300 euros total; there's no telling what they cost now.

Pigs, the new celebrity pet fab!

These pigs are pretty much house pets. But, instead of being like normal pigs (fat and lazy) it's important to keep them lean and fit. These pigs are so cute; it just makes sense that they would be a great house pet.

One more thing: I want one!!!! Don't you?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

'Ello Popit!

Okay, so my name is not important cuz well thats the kind of person I am. But, just so people aren't like "hey u no that blog, yea the pink one, well,...etc.", you can call me Snow or Kitty. Either or. Snow b/c well u don't need to know that either and Kitty b/c its been my nickname since the 1st grade, thank you Sammy.
So I started this blog because my friend (http://allyvg.blogspot.com/), who btw is amazing period, has the most amazing blog EVER and i was like YO i wanna try it to, now I know mine isn't as awesome as hers (yes, i've come to accept that), but ill try.
So here goes:

HI!!! =)

okay, so it's 9:00 at nite ; oh wait 9:35; and i'm tired and i have a bigg day tomorrow, so

GooD NitE!!!!

hows was that? yea yea i no, boring. but wateva. it's my blog and i can write wat i want, so there HA!!!
