Saturday, June 14, 2008

She Has A Pulse!

So by now most of you have passed go!, collected the hundred dollars, and are gearing up for another lap. I'm talking about summer baby! The sad part of all of this is that I'm still sitting here on my couch, watching reruns, and eating my weight in whatever chocolate can be found around the house. I have an addiction, I know.

The good news is that this past week was exhausting. I finished out my behind the wheel, then babysat all day yesterday, and took an ACT today. I say "an" in that last sentence because knowing me, it won't be my last and it certainly wasn't my first. It was my second. (*And if you know anything about me, you know that I am no fan of SAT's and ACT's. In my opinion they are evil.) And after all that, I'm pooped. I still have to work the concessions at a game and I think Sunday is my rest day. Maybe. As it should be.

Then next week, well, that's an entirely different story. So we won't go into that.

Anyways I had these great ideas that were going to shape this post into the best piece of "literature" anyone's ever laid eyes on, but as I said before: I'm tired. So...



Miss Snow said...

P.S. the "clicking" was a reference to my t.v. watching.

*can be found in label

Anonymous said...

i like your humorous way of explaining your post..

Just a girl said...

Glad to hear you're alive and, um, clicking! ;-)

Ew, ACT. I only ever did the SAT (twice) and SAT IIs (2). I hope you do well so that you don't have to do it again! I also hope you find more exciting things to do. =)


Anonymous said...

Durai: Thank you.
JAG: Thank you. And I say there should be no more ACT's. I hope. I think I did pretty okay. So that's that. The only problem is that I still have to take the SAT's again. Crap. But that's okay too. <-- Looking on the Brightside.


Q said...

Hey, I always collect 200 to 400 dollars whenever I play Monopoly. Sue the dude. He's ripping you off.


Anonymous said...

I can totally agree with that. That's why I'm always the banker. You can get your christmas bonus anytime you want.