Sunday, May 11, 2008

Update....Old school style

So, you know a book is good, when...

1.) You spend every chance you get thinking about it. Or trying to figure out the mystery
2.) You in-wrap yourself so much into the characters that you start talking like them..(though I do this alot. No, I'm not a freak. I just have a very good imagination. Thank you.)
3.) Your mother has to yell at you constantly to "Put that book down and get some homework done."
4.) You start writing blog updates on how amazing it is.
5.) Damn, that's one really good book.

Caution: You might not want to read this book, just so you can stay out of parental danger zone.


Just a girl said...

Ha. That's exactly how I feel about Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse. And I'm probably going to blog about it soon.

Also; (with regards to aformentioned trilogy) you know you're more than slightly obsessed when you meet another fan of the books, and when they ask "so are you on Team Edward or Team Jacob?" not only do you know what they're talking about, you have a debate about it. LOL. I'm totally on Team Edward, btw, thanks for asking. =)


Anonymous said...

Your welcome. And yea, that's pretty bad, but adults should appreciate our dedication to literature that happens to be a dying fad. Personally I think. Maybe I'm just odd.

Q said...

I still have to read those and figure out why everyone's raving. I have a feeling it's mainstream and overrated.
Prove me wrong, world. Please.
And welcome back, Snowy!

Wait, what book are you talking about here?

Anonymous said...

I'm talking about The Spellman Files books. They are good. and technically I'm not back. Exams and such.....SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER THOUGH. WOOT!!!