Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm Like A Magician.*

*You never know when I'll just pop up for a chat. (or something to that effect...)

Howdy everyone!
Here's a post just to let you know that I am not decapitated. Or anything. (Magic trick gone awry).

I went to prom last friday. (Pooy Ally didn't. Everyone needs to give her a hard time about that.)
Thought not too much, because then she'll get mad at me. =)

If I do say so myself, I looked fantabulous. Period. Everyone said so.
Of course, it's sort of required that you go around to everyone you see and say "Hey, You look amazing!", *hug*, and then you can walk away. (**Kind of awkward really) So, really and truly, everyone could have been lying to me, just to make me feel better. Eh, whatever. I lied to a couple of them too. (though not really, it's just what I'll tell myself. SHHHH, it's a secret. )
*Can you tell I'm kind of tired?

I haven't been on any fun internet (meaning you guys' blogs) in forever. All it is is school, SCHOOL, SCHOOL.
Can anyone say SUMMER VACATION?

Who wants to start a countdown with me?

In case you haven't figured this out yet......There is no logical explanation to this post, except that I got a request to come back from the dead by Rayne, so TADA!!!!! Like I said before I'm a magician. or maybe a genie. Hmmmmm.....Yes, I think I'll be a genie. They are proven to be prettier.
I think I'll go and try to draw a genie now...

PROCRASTINATION POWERS ACTIVATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just a girl said...

Yay! You finally updated!! =)

Aw, prom!! I thought Ally had a date and everything...? Sounds like you had an awesome night though. What was your dress like? Did you have a date? I want details! We have "formals" but they are so just another excuse to get drunk, like, no corsages or dates or any big deal really (except the dress, of course, the dress is always a big deal.)

Missed your blogging!

Q said...

AHA, so my undeading-willpower-based necromancy was successful! AHAHA!
I feel so loved.
And I can't wait until summer begins...ughhh.

JAG: Ooh, yeah, she has to tell us EVERYTHING. *evil laughter*

Did she, or did she not post the date/dance/tennis/mild porn video on April Fool's day? I don't remember.

Anyway, love!

xox, raynex

Q said...

Oh, and maybe I'll draw you a genie, eh?

Anonymous said...

JAG: Being that I am a genie, I don't have to tell you anything. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! But, I will tell you this, we didn't stay the whole time, b/c my boyfriend and I are sticks in the mud and were tired. =)And it was kind of boring, not the whole part where everyone goes "OoooH and AHHHH!" (that was fun) but the rest wasn't FANTABULOUS. itwas ok...=)

Rayne: I agree that you should draw me a genie. or is it "me as a genie?" I guess since you don't know what I look like, it will be an "A". (wow, that took longer to say than it should have.) =)

And btw, that porno video was Ally's NOT mine. =) And no Ally never had any of it. I think I'll kidnap her next year and take her. (*more evil laughter)

Q said...

A, as in Plan A, Choice A, or the evil murdering fiend in PLL?

I'll just draw a genie.