Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Worst Day of My Life.

So day was lovely. School was fine. The sun was shinning. And then I went home. (*sigh*)

I was grounded this past quarter because on my interim, I had three C's. Stupid C's. So I haven't been able to do fun things. Today was supposed to free me from that because today I got my report card. Nu-uh. I still have two C's. I brought history and spanish up, but brought down Math. And English pretty much stayed the same.

Now if you know me, which most of you get the general idea of me by now, you know that MATH happens to be my strong point. Maybe my only point (besides science). What the HELL is a C? Yo no comprende un C en math (yes, that was supposed to be a Spanglish mix).

Therefore, I think I am allowed to blame it on the teacher. She is dumb and doesn't teach it well. Well, one of my parental units doesn't agree with me that I should be able to blame it on her. Well, too bad. I am going to. At interim I had a A in her class, how the HELL did it go down to a C? Not even a C+, no, just a plain old EVIL C.

I would have a had to have none of my homework and failed every test. WHICH I DIDN"T. I say she's wrong. I am going to speak to her tomorrow because I think she calculated wrong (which would prove my point that she's dumb). Math teacher can't use a calculator. Ha! That's funny.

Anyways, my conclusion is that I am still grounded. Just a guess.

Really needed to vent. I feel slightly better. Now I think I'll go vent to my boyfriend.

(mutters under her breath: stupid teacher).


Just a girl said...

Aw. That sucks about being grounded and it sucks about the C. I hope you can sort it out with your teacher, it sounds really unfair.

Math was never my strong point. Hence why I am doing a Bachelor of Arts! =)

Just a girl

Anonymous said...

Well thats just awesome. I like art. Not good at it. but I like it.

Just a girl said...

Well it's not actually least not what I'm doing. It's more "The Arts," which means you can basically do anything; social sciences, humanities, graphic design, etc. I'm not v. good at art, either, though I wish I was. I'm a writer/poet/journalist. At least I think I am and would like to be. It's a broad course, and allows me to study Creative Writing, English lit and Spanish, as well as some history subjects. =)

Just a girl

Anonymous said...

wow. thats cool. What do you want to do as a career?

Just a girl said...

I want to write; as an author - a goal I've had for a long time - fiction, probably, young adult/adult; also as a journalist. That's where the art degree is heading, anyway. If I can be bothered at the end of it (it's only 3 years), I could do a Masters in Creative Writing or Journalism (probably the latter if I major in the former.)

I'd also like to be a photographer/photojournalist, fashion designer and/or editor.

What about you? Any ideas/dreams?

Just a girl

Anonymous said...

Thats very cool. Sounds like fun. And yes, I would love to be an aerospace engineer. I used to want to work for NASA, not so much anymore. Government jobs might have nice benefits, but pay is pooy, SO i intend to work for a supplier of NASA. and not NASA directly. then after being filthy rich for many years i will retire (still rich btw) =) and become an elementary or middle school teacher. YAY! sounds like fun, no? I dunno.i like photography too. I love pictures of the sunset. yum.