Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
OKay, I finally have a story worth blogging. And it's a good un.
Characters you must know Before the story:
~Do you remember Stephanie? No, you don't. I was not talking about Stephanie Plum. I was talking about the wonderful lady, whom I'd love to call my second mom, but really she's like one of my girlfriends. She is perfectly wonderful. Period. She has a little boy, whom we'll call Georgie.
~I thought I wrote about Angelique Kidjo. But, I can't find my post. So, I'll recap. She is a famous singer from Benin. She even won a Grammy Award. She's internationally acclaimed.
So now you know the characters, here's the story:
Friday Night, I went to the concert of Angelique Kidjo. It was THE most fun I have ever had at a concert. She came out in this patterened-African-style-vesty-shirt-thing and peach-colored satin pants and sang this passionate song that almost made you uncomfortable because she was so into it. She sang a couple more songs and then went back stage.
She was gone for about ten minutes and when she came back, the only wardrobe change was her top. I figured out that the reason why she stayed so long was so each player in her band would be able to play his solo. I thought that was wonderful.
She did some more songs and walked through the crowd once. Then she said she wanted some people on stage with her and Stephanie looks at me and says "Go!" I was I don't want to. Then, Stephanie links arms with me and drags me up on stage. Ms. Kidjo did a mainly instrumental piece, and we were all up on stage dancing. She went around to a couple of people on stage and danced with them-I was one of the lucky who got to dance with her.
Then the percussionist came out in front and would do little solo's for the people on stage. He would do a beat (with, of course, a basic song playing inthe background) as Ms. Kidjo went went through the group on stage, picking people to do solo dances in front. When she got to Stephanie and I, she looked at both of us and Stephanie pointed to me. I shook my head no! and Ms. Kidjo smiled,nodded her head yes, took my arm and led me to the front. *I couldn't believe it. Here I am, surrounded by a hundred and fifty poeple, about to dance for all I was worth, to the beat of a drummer. Oh Shit!* And I did too. I got a big round of applause after I shook what my momma gave me. (And everyone knows I didn't get much) When he stopped beating that drum, I ran back to Stephanie so fast, it must have seemed like I was running from a fire. She wrapped me in a hug a told me I looked great up there.
Now, I am shy...after meeting me and knowing me, I am not. In fact, I'm kind of loud and obnoxious. But, when first meeting someone, or if I have to get on stage (unprepared) or speak in front of the class, I am extremely shy. So, this feat of getting me on stage and Dancing in front of a crowd is no accomplishment to go unrecognized. *Stephanie, you are awesome. And I had so much fun. Thank you.*
It was the scariest, most thrilling, and simply wonderful thing I have done in a long time. It was just a cool experience all together.
Characters you must know Before the story:
~Do you remember Stephanie? No, you don't. I was not talking about Stephanie Plum. I was talking about the wonderful lady, whom I'd love to call my second mom, but really she's like one of my girlfriends. She is perfectly wonderful. Period. She has a little boy, whom we'll call Georgie.
~I thought I wrote about Angelique Kidjo. But, I can't find my post. So, I'll recap. She is a famous singer from Benin. She even won a Grammy Award. She's internationally acclaimed.
So now you know the characters, here's the story:
Friday Night, I went to the concert of Angelique Kidjo. It was THE most fun I have ever had at a concert. She came out in this patterened-African-style-vesty-shirt-thing and peach-colored satin pants and sang this passionate song that almost made you uncomfortable because she was so into it. She sang a couple more songs and then went back stage.
She was gone for about ten minutes and when she came back, the only wardrobe change was her top. I figured out that the reason why she stayed so long was so each player in her band would be able to play his solo. I thought that was wonderful.
She did some more songs and walked through the crowd once. Then she said she wanted some people on stage with her and Stephanie looks at me and says "Go!" I was I don't want to. Then, Stephanie links arms with me and drags me up on stage. Ms. Kidjo did a mainly instrumental piece, and we were all up on stage dancing. She went around to a couple of people on stage and danced with them-I was one of the lucky who got to dance with her.
Then the percussionist came out in front and would do little solo's for the people on stage. He would do a beat (with, of course, a basic song playing inthe background) as Ms. Kidjo went went through the group on stage, picking people to do solo dances in front. When she got to Stephanie and I, she looked at both of us and Stephanie pointed to me. I shook my head no! and Ms. Kidjo smiled,nodded her head yes, took my arm and led me to the front. *I couldn't believe it. Here I am, surrounded by a hundred and fifty poeple, about to dance for all I was worth, to the beat of a drummer. Oh Shit!* And I did too. I got a big round of applause after I shook what my momma gave me. (And everyone knows I didn't get much) When he stopped beating that drum, I ran back to Stephanie so fast, it must have seemed like I was running from a fire. She wrapped me in a hug a told me I looked great up there.
Now, I am shy...after meeting me and knowing me, I am not. In fact, I'm kind of loud and obnoxious. But, when first meeting someone, or if I have to get on stage (unprepared) or speak in front of the class, I am extremely shy. So, this feat of getting me on stage and Dancing in front of a crowd is no accomplishment to go unrecognized. *Stephanie, you are awesome. And I had so much fun. Thank you.*
It was the scariest, most thrilling, and simply wonderful thing I have done in a long time. It was just a cool experience all together.

Friday, March 21, 2008
Spring Break.
So spring break has officially begun and I already have a list of things to do as long as my grandma.
Oh! guess what? I got contacts this week. And I am in love with them. I can see again, fully I mean. I used to wear glasses, but they only cover most of your eye area. Now I can see, though it's still not crystal clear. I need to fix that I think. Hmmm.
I think I'm going to the beach sometime next week. Yay! I am so ready for the sun and and the ocean. Except I'm worried because the beach I am going to is almost never sunny and yummy. We'll see.
Anways, I can't think of anything else to say. So until later, adios.
Oh! guess what? I got contacts this week. And I am in love with them. I can see again, fully I mean. I used to wear glasses, but they only cover most of your eye area. Now I can see, though it's still not crystal clear. I need to fix that I think. Hmmm.
I think I'm going to the beach sometime next week. Yay! I am so ready for the sun and and the ocean. Except I'm worried because the beach I am going to is almost never sunny and yummy. We'll see.
Anways, I can't think of anything else to say. So until later, adios.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Did you realize?
Did you realize that in exactly 2 days, 66.5 hours, 3990 minutes, and 239400 seconds, I will be beginning my spring break? That is as of 6:40 pm. Isn't that fantastic?
Well, I guess if you're not going on break any time soon, then I'm just rubbing your nose in it. Well, rub rub grind grind. Mwahahahaha.
And if you've already had break, then you know the ecstacy that I am about to feel.
Spring Break feels early this year though. I feel like I just finished writing thank you notes to those who gave me Christmas presents. (*note: I don't actually write thank you notes, ever; it just made a good example)
Recipe for Perfect Break:
~swim suit
~a little sun tan lotion
~the beach
~staying up really, really late and sleeping in until 1:00
Well, I guess if you're not going on break any time soon, then I'm just rubbing your nose in it. Well, rub rub grind grind. Mwahahahaha.
And if you've already had break, then you know the ecstacy that I am about to feel.
Spring Break feels early this year though. I feel like I just finished writing thank you notes to those who gave me Christmas presents. (*note: I don't actually write thank you notes, ever; it just made a good example)
Recipe for Perfect Break:
~swim suit
~a little sun tan lotion
~the beach
~staying up really, really late and sleeping in until 1:00
~eating junk food like no other
~staying in an empty house all day long and then going to dinner with mi familia
~being lazy and watching t.v. until my brain drains out my ears
~laying in the sun until I am brown and crispy
~P.J.'s all day long
~And chocolate out the wazoo.
My break will be the perfect blend of lazy, lolly-gagging and sun bathing at the beach. I am so excited. In fact, I am so ecstatic that I've started early, I haven't done any homework tonight. Procrastination is key. Let's ban homework. Yes, I refuse to do any homework until April 30th. And even then, it will be done only by force.
I have officially decided that homework is the evil invention of adults who don't want us non-adults to have any fun. I think they think that since they have to work all the time, we should suffer too. And their way to make us suffer is by forcing us to do homework, and the driving force is the fact that if we don't do our homework, we can't go to college. And if we don't go to college, we don't get a good job. And if we don't get a good job, then we can't raise a family. And if we can't raise a family, then we can't force our kids to do the evil invention called homework. And then the cycle dies. WHERE WOULD WE BE??
So I guess homework is (as Ms. R would put it in history class) a necessary evil. But, an evil none the less.
To sum up, I love Spring Break and I hate homework.
Until later...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
So it's Saturday night, and once again, I am doing absolutley NOTHING. Isn't that sad? I think I might get some homework done and at the moment I am watching the second Pirates movie. I'm doing it backwards. This week I watched the 3rd. Now I am watching the 2nd, and Next week I will watch the 1st.
In case you haven't figured this out yet, I am not sure what I am talking about in this post. I have no stories to tell. Well, scratch that, I have stories to tell, just not to you.
I'll just keep rambling until I come up with a subject.
Hey, did you hear about the downtown Atlanta tornados? I think it's sad, but interesting. I wonder why a tornado has never hit there before. It also makes me think, is that why cities are built where they are?
Oh nevermind.
I am bored with this post.
And it's late.
So I shall say good night.
good night.
In case you haven't figured this out yet, I am not sure what I am talking about in this post. I have no stories to tell. Well, scratch that, I have stories to tell, just not to you.
I'll just keep rambling until I come up with a subject.
Hey, did you hear about the downtown Atlanta tornados? I think it's sad, but interesting. I wonder why a tornado has never hit there before. It also makes me think, is that why cities are built where they are?
Oh nevermind.
I am bored with this post.
And it's late.
So I shall say good night.
good night.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Two Line Snippets From My Life.
So, the title for this post was going to be look! I'm regular! (to show how I'm writing regualrly again) but it sounds too dirty, so I'll think of something later.
I was very upset last night. Pinky & the Brain DIDN'T come on. I was very sad. BUT, it comes on tonight so all is well.
I had pizza last night and am having (I think) a Baconator from Wendy's tonight. Does anyone else think that it might be a possibility that I am going to die of heart failure before I'm 30?
This week is Song Contest week. I am not a fan of Song Contest. It involves singing, weird dancing, and standing up in front of nearly 1,000 people and doing the previous. Ask Ally about it.
We are reading Huckleberry Finn in English class. I have always wanted to read that book. I kinda like it. It's a little difficult to read, but it's pretty good.
Prom is soon. I'm excited. I've had my dress for 5 years and am SO ready to wear it. Woot! I just have to find shoes and I'm good to go.
I can't think of anymore two liners. So now it's time to go. *breaks into song* So long fare well blah blah blah blah blah blaaah.
I was very upset last night. Pinky & the Brain DIDN'T come on. I was very sad. BUT, it comes on tonight so all is well.
I had pizza last night and am having (I think) a Baconator from Wendy's tonight. Does anyone else think that it might be a possibility that I am going to die of heart failure before I'm 30?
This week is Song Contest week. I am not a fan of Song Contest. It involves singing, weird dancing, and standing up in front of nearly 1,000 people and doing the previous. Ask Ally about it.
We are reading Huckleberry Finn in English class. I have always wanted to read that book. I kinda like it. It's a little difficult to read, but it's pretty good.
Prom is soon. I'm excited. I've had my dress for 5 years and am SO ready to wear it. Woot! I just have to find shoes and I'm good to go.
I can't think of anymore two liners. So now it's time to go. *breaks into song* So long fare well blah blah blah blah blah blaaah.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I'm bAAAck! Can't you hear the scary Jaws music? Let me tell you:
My BIG, FAT, TREACHEROUS, HORRID, EVIL WITH A SLICE OF PIE term paper, that I have been complaining about for the past 3 months, was due today.
Bedtime last Night: 2:00 am
Time I had to get up this morning: 6:00 am
Total hours slept: 4 (in case, you couldn't figure that out on your own)
Enough sleep? Hell no.
Do you have any idea how exhausted I am? I don't even feel it. I'm in a snappy mood, and when Miss Snow is in a snappy mood, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. The good news is I was able to stay in a somewhat pleasant mood today.
Now here's the problem (sort of). Do you remember Pinky & the Brain? You know:
What are we going to do tonight Brain?
Same thing we do every night Pinky.
What's that Brain?
Try to take over the World!
I know you remember that part of your childhood. Well, they started playing it again. And when a piece of your childhood, like Pinky & The Brain, comes back on the tube, it's almost a sin not to watch it. So, tonight at 9:30, though very exhausted, I will be sitting in front of my television watching Pinky & The Brain.
A synopsis of my life at this moment in time. Aloha until tomorrow.
*P.S. remind me later to tell you about my crappy phone that hates me and needs to die.
*P.P.S. HAPPY (completely and uterly belated) BIRTHDAY ALLY VG!!!!!!!!!!!! How does it feel to be 17? Gosh you're old. ;-)
My BIG, FAT, TREACHEROUS, HORRID, EVIL WITH A SLICE OF PIE term paper, that I have been complaining about for the past 3 months, was due today.
Bedtime last Night: 2:00 am
Time I had to get up this morning: 6:00 am
Total hours slept: 4 (in case, you couldn't figure that out on your own)
Enough sleep? Hell no.
Do you have any idea how exhausted I am? I don't even feel it. I'm in a snappy mood, and when Miss Snow is in a snappy mood, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. The good news is I was able to stay in a somewhat pleasant mood today.
Now here's the problem (sort of). Do you remember Pinky & the Brain? You know:
What are we going to do tonight Brain?
Same thing we do every night Pinky.
What's that Brain?
Try to take over the World!
I know you remember that part of your childhood. Well, they started playing it again. And when a piece of your childhood, like Pinky & The Brain, comes back on the tube, it's almost a sin not to watch it. So, tonight at 9:30, though very exhausted, I will be sitting in front of my television watching Pinky & The Brain.
A synopsis of my life at this moment in time. Aloha until tomorrow.
*P.S. remind me later to tell you about my crappy phone that hates me and needs to die.
*P.P.S. HAPPY (completely and uterly belated) BIRTHDAY ALLY VG!!!!!!!!!!!! How does it feel to be 17? Gosh you're old. ;-)
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