Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Two Line Snippets From My Life.

So, the title for this post was going to be look! I'm regular! (to show how I'm writing regualrly again) but it sounds too dirty, so I'll think of something later.

I was very upset last night. Pinky & the Brain DIDN'T come on. I was very sad. BUT, it comes on tonight so all is well.

I had pizza last night and am having (I think) a Baconator from Wendy's tonight. Does anyone else think that it might be a possibility that I am going to die of heart failure before I'm 30?

This week is Song Contest week. I am not a fan of Song Contest. It involves singing, weird dancing, and standing up in front of nearly 1,000 people and doing the previous. Ask Ally about it.

We are reading Huckleberry Finn in English class. I have always wanted to read that book. I kinda like it. It's a little difficult to read, but it's pretty good.

Prom is soon. I'm excited. I've had my dress for 5 years and am SO ready to wear it. Woot! I just have to find shoes and I'm good to go.

I can't think of anymore two liners. So now it's time to go. *breaks into song* So long fare well blah blah blah blah blah blaaah.


A said...

Aaah, don't tell people to ask me about Song Contest! I've been putting off writing about Song Contest and spirit week, etc. for months now just because I think it's a really hard thing to explain, you know? Not to mention that it would probably take forever.

Oh, and you like Huckleberry Finn? Are you on crack?

Q said...

Oooh! Have fun! Hope you find the perfect shoes!
I love shoes. :)

Ally: Either she's on crack, the book has hidden meaning only she can see, or du'loque was right about 'you and your meth-addict friends'.

Anonymous said...

Haha! To both of you. No, I'm not on drugs. I've always been curious about the book, like since I was little. Now, I get to read it. And I like it. So there HA! And knowing some of my friends. Du'Loque was probably right. =)

Q said...
