Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Or as I like to call it Good Luck Chuck (on occasion). I know it's a movie; Ally gets pissed off when I call it that. But Whatever.

Seriously, Greatest Show EVER!!!!
Here's my favorite clip:

I'm such a romantic. HaHa. (but really, chick flicks are like my life, truthfully)
I love this clip because it was like the moment of truth. I think it would be easier to understand if you watched the show. But, it's like the two love interests FINALLY kiss (and sort of show their feelings for each other). AMAZING!

But, the writer's strike is messing it all up. Have been W/O (let me repeat: WITHOUT) Chuck for TWO (count 'em TWO) weeks. It's very depressing. It's like for people who do drugs; can't help but watch. I just wish the stupid people who caused the freaking writer's strike would just give credit where credit is due, so I can watch my shows. Seriously people I miss my weekly dose of Chuck and other shows I'm addicted to. It's like quiting cold turkey; It DOESN'T WORK!!!! I need my crack; Where are my shows?

P.S. Chuck (when it's not being interupted by a writer's strike) normally comes on Monday nights at 8:00 (for you eastenders).

ViVa Chuck!!!!!!


A said...

If you call it "Good Luck Chuck" one more time, I'm going to punch you in the face.

Consider yourself warned is all I'm saying.

Ally :)

Miss Snow said...

I love you to Ally. ;-)