Monday, December 17, 2007

Random News Flashes About My Life.

Okay, so, I know I haven't existed for the past week, but I'm having writer's block. (Irony isn't it?) No offense. I have PLENTY (ally, you know what I'm talking about) to talk about, but it's all EXTREMELY personal. And as you know, I'm not that kind of person.

Last night, I watched 50 First Dates. I was very good. Romantic and had a good ending, except when you really think about it's truly sad. She will never remember who he is.
That's all I am to say about that, so as not to give anything away.

My grade is having to write a term paper. Let me tell you: eeeeeeeewWwWwW!!!!!!!!
But, my topic is very interesting. (I might have already written a blog about this, but hey, it's always good to review.) My topic is Women's Roles as Spies in the Civil War.
But what is so important about this is:
Last year, I wrote a term paper on Vermeer and his The Girl With A Pearl Earring. Now, I read the book, seen the painting (in real life), and liked Vermeer okay when I first started. It was an agonizing experience. I hated writing that paper, but all along I liked learning about it all. Now, I have this extreme.......appreciation.....of sorts.....for Vermeer and his art. And everytime I see his art somewhere I feel...pride (for lack of a better word).
So, what I am getting at is: I hope the same happens with my topic this time. I KNOW it'll be a painful process, but I think I will have a newfound appreciation for what women did to pave the way for the rights we enjoy today.

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