Thursday, December 27, 2007


I watched a movie today. And it had an animated short film on it. It was called Lifted. It's a Pixar animated short film (to give some credit). I thought it was hilarious; I was laughing so hard, I was crying. I wanted to show you guys the ORIGINAL Lifted, but no one on YoutTube has thought of that yet. Then, I tried it myself. That didn't work out so great either. So here is a version of it.

Read (I'd say listen, but that's kind of impossible) VERY CAREFULLY. DO NOT (I repeat: DO NOT) listen to the music on the video. Turn your volume DOWN or rather, OFF. Turn your volume OFF!!!!!!!!!! Just imagine the normal sounds the video should have or make noises, so you're not totally sitting in complete silence (I know how some of you really hate silence)

The song they have on there totally messes up the video and the hilarity of it. So, please, I ask you, turn the sound on your computer off.

here goes:

I thought it was great. Ally, you're not a fan of animation; what did you think? And Alex, no idea what your preferences are; what did you think? And all you slobs out there; what did you think?


A said...

That was cute.

And I wouldn't say I hate animation. Family Guy is one of my favorite shows ever!

And why are you calling your readers slobs? I mean, admittedly, I am a slob (Have you seen my room??), but why do you assume that everyone else's rooms also look as though a tornado ripped through it?

Oh, and before I forget, that fruit tart was sooooo good! We all loved it. We had it on Christmas Eve. It's almost gone!!

Ally :)

Alex said...

Ahh that was pretty funny. I can just imagine it with sound. I like animation as well; Family Guy is my second-favorite show, too[second only to JEOPARDY!].

Also, feel free to take the Happy List idea. It's really fun [and I love making lists].

Miss Snow said...

Ally: I call everyone slobs because well everyone's a slob at something; you=your room; me=my room/my life, etc. And I'm so glad y'all liked it. My family loves it too.

Alex: I like Family Guy too. Jeopardy is sweet, except my parental units never let the channel stay on long enought to see if I get to win! So, technically I could be rich right now. OH and thanks, the list idea is a good one. I'll have to get on that.

Miss Snow said...

Oh and they're slobs because they don't comment. If they commented more they wouldn't be slobs.

A said...

Hmm. I see what you're saying. Except I think a more appropriate word would be 'slacker'. As in, "Hey, you slackers who don't comment, get off your lazy asses and write something!

Or something like that.

Ally :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh!! you're right. Slacker sounds nicer. I might have to take your advice. Hmmm.