Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Present for Hobbs!

Today my friend Ally (AKA Hobbs) requested an award for using her large vocabulary. So here it is:

I am happy that you can use big words correctly. Usually when I try to use big words, I use them incorrectly, and end up looking like an idiot.
Yay! Big Words!
Yay! The ability to use them correctly in a sentence!
Yay! Hobbs!
So, it keeps messing up my spacing, and it won't let me fix it. It looks bad. Sorry.


Alex said...

Yay Ally! Big words!
I like using bug words, also. My current one is sanguineous

Alex said...

Yeah, I'm smart. "Bug words"
CORRECTION: Big words.

Miss Snow said...

That's a nice word. What does it mean?

A said...

Sanguineous has to do with blood, right?

Anyway, thanks for my trophy! I'm kind of a nerd with words like that. I get the "word of the day" emailed to me. I say it's for SAT prep, but really I'm just a giant nerd like that.

And I like to use "bug" words, too. Ha.

Ally :)