Monday, January 21, 2008

Some Kind Of Grown-Up Disease.

OKay, I think we have a problem. I think I have some kind of Parental Unit-disease. This weekend I baked. BAKED?!?!?!?! I don't really like cooking, except every once in a while. This weekend I made Glazed Lemon Cakes. And Caramelized Apples & Biscuits. (They have both tasted perfect, if I do say so myself.) Also,I have been enjoying food and chocolate like mad. You know I love food. But, I have NEVER enjoyed food this much. It's weird. Then, this afternoon I went to the fabric store. (Don't ask why; I just did ok?) And I decided I wanted to sew. Maybe make a purse out of upholestry fabric. I think it would be very cute. But, what worries me is that I don't do this kind of thing. It's odd. Then, I decided it must be something wrong about the alignment of the planets or something. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Bubbles said...

I love to bake! and what you made sounds gooooooood.

But me and sewing = a whole lot of bad

Anonymous said...

I like baking, except Parental Units drive me crazy when I do. They are not helpful, that why I don't do it often. And I never got to try my hand at sewing the past weekend. I have tried before, and was OKay. So yea...

Anonymous said...

I read this blog.
I love you Colleen.
And baking is fun.
= ]

Miss Snow said...

Thanks love.